I Don’t Understand

Explain Christianity to me

Mallory Elizabeth Baskin
5 min readAug 27, 2023
Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And I am under no delusions about it. I know I am of average intelligence. I have a terrible memory, a decent aptitude for test-taking, and a strong grasp of logic. I can’t do math and changed college majors to avoid it. So it makes sense there are things I don’t understand.

Things like quantum physics, how boats float while being heavier than water, and the point of credit scores all fall into that category. I have other questions like why old white guys still run the country, what the heck is in meat with no meat, and the magic behind making enough to own a house. I don’t understand a lot of things about the world we live in and I own it because as I’ve already stated, I’m not the smartest.


But as you already know if you have read some of my other writing, religion is a sore spot for me. I don’t understand most of it. And not in the nobody has explained it type of way but in the it doesn’t seem to make sense type of way.

But what catches me is that most of the questions I have about Christianity, the religion that so many believe is synonymous with America, can’t actually be answered by those same die-hard followers of it.




Mallory Elizabeth Baskin
Mallory Elizabeth Baskin

Written by Mallory Elizabeth Baskin

Trying to get good at this writing thing. Talking about being gay, education, religion, getting better, and making life worth living.

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